Les Misérables

Chapter 14:
Marius was very sick, between life and death, and he kept repeating Cosette’s name, the doctors didn’t believe it would be possible for him to recover.
As the months passed Marius always asked his grandfather to marry his beloved, and now his grandfather agreed to that.
After a few months of rest, he and Cosette finally meet at M. Gillenormand’s house.
Jean Valjean tells Marius the whole truth about their past and gives permission to get married.

Chapter 15:
The character Jean ValJean dies, he is at peace for having fulfilled his role and knowing that his daughter is happy with her husband. Cosette is devastated by the due situation, but is reassured that her father is going at peace with his principles and goals in life.

Name of group members : Nathalie Chiarello , Tainá Rebelato , Clara Pereira and Lavinia Gaboardi