Genre Fanfic

The fanfic genre is a fictional narrative that is based on another fictional narrative, generally, it is a very successful work. Fans create stories parallel to an original. These productions are usually found on the internet. They had their origin in fanzines -> publications made by fans who produced and disseminated comics, poems, and other things from the 70’s <-.

Some very famous well-known fanfics that ended up becoming books and even films. The producers of this type of work do not intend to infringe the copyright of the original work or to make a profit from them, but rather to have fun creating imaginary stories for their favorite fictional environments.

Like books, fanfics also have their genres. The most popular are:

More of the same – fanfics that follow exactly the same style and genre as the original story. It can happen before, during or after canonical events. The purpose is to prolong the experience of the original work

Romance – these fanfics are aimed at a specific couple, the development of their relationship. It’s a great way to explore aspects of the relationship that are not canonically provided (as well as couples that are not officially couples)

Smut – in other words, they are erotic fanfics, for fans who want to imagine their favorite characters doing things that would never be part of the original work.

Angst – these fanfics are a true image of pain and suffering. It’s to read and cry

Crackfic – meaningless, bizarre and, in general, funny stories. The name comes from the idea that the author must be under the influence of illegal substances to write something so absurd

Songfic – fanfics accompanied by the lyrics of a song, which not only acts as a soundtrack, but also complements the theme of the story and can even reflect the character’s thoughts


All these stories, many fans of sagas are already worldwide known. The 50 Shades of Gray franchise, for example, was a fanfic written with characters from the Twilight saga.

  Some apps for reading fanfics:




Nyah! Fan fiction;

Spirit Fanfictions;

Fanfics Brazil.

Fonte da imagem: Acesso em: 24 de maio de 2021.

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