
Thanksgiving Day no SEPAM

22 de novembro de 2018

Como parte do projeto bilíngue do SEPAM, as celebrações do Thanksgiving (dia de Ação de Graças) estão presentes no nosso currículo.  Essa data é destinada à reflexão e à gratidão pelos bons acontecimentos ocorridos durante o ano. O Thanksgiving é celebrado na quarta quinta-feira do mês de novembro.

No dia de Ação de Graças nossos alunos participam de atividades relacionadas aos valores de gratidão, partilha e amor ao próximo, e também confraternizam em piqueniques e almoços organizados no Colégio.


Agradecimentos dos alunos do 8º ano A

This year was good again, we are super glad for the new students and the new teachers, we had new experiences that good or bad, both were really important for us.

Firstly we would like to give thanks to everything and everyone that made this amazing and productive year happen. Althought we regret many things, we all understand that knowledge come with fails, and the most important thing is to learn with them. We will miss this class, all of us. Even with all the fights and lectures from the teachers, the class will always be together and united. With the pass of time, some of us can not remember our classmates and some can even not be with us next year, but in one year, with all the new people we could get along and happy.

Besides the bad things that happened (fights and discussions) we are so greatful for the good things. Mainly our private jokes… So, hopefully next year we can be the best again.

Agradecimentos dos alunos do 8º ano B

Today, we would like to thank everthing that happened this year inside our class. We are glad we could enjoy 2018 with all our dear friends and teachers. We also want to thank that this year we could stay in a great room, with great people and amazing masters.

We would like to give thanks for all the things we have learned and had the opportunity to enjoy with our teachers and friends all the moments. We will miss all the great things that happened this year.

We from 8th grade B, would like to thanks our teachers, for having patient with us even we being kind of stubborn (we know that). Also we would like to thank Alvaro and Carlos, for saving us from the heat, turning the air conditioning on. In general, we would like to thank our school, we are greatful for so many opportunities in our lives. Thanks for all.

Agradecimentos dos alunos do 9º ano A

This year was a very positive and happy year. We made a lot of friends, it was a year with lots of study and dedication, we were always trying to improve ourselves and now we’re in the best part of the year, the end.

We appreciated every moment, we made every second a perfect time in our lives. This year will be in our memories forever. We want to thank every teacher for their explanations, we also want to thank every person of the class because together we formed the best class in Sepam. Each one of us has a specific and important play in it.

Thaks for all that happened in 2018 because it improved our maturity. We even give thanks for the bad moments we had, because with them we could learn from our mistakes and be better. So thanks 2018, for being an amazing year.

Agradecimentos dos alunos do 9º ano B

If we could describe this year in one word, this word would be evolution. We showed maturity and determination in crucials moments. This year we met great new teachers that helped us to improve not only our academic knowlodge but helped us to become better people.

We give thanks for the moments that we passed together, for the friendship that we created over this year, for the tests that prepared us to the future and that showed us that we are capable of going beyonde what we have imagined! We had amazing experiences and we are greatful for that. We are sure that the next year is going to be even better, we grew up a lot as human beings and we give thanks for all the good grades wishing they could be better in 2019.

So, we give thanks to 2018 for being the year that showed us that we are able to improve our capacities, through our experiences that soon will be a great memory.

Você está pronto para ser calouro?




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